From: Judy Ancel
Subject: Urgent Alert. Please do a simple task
Dear Cross Border Network Friends,
This one is very personal. Karen Spring, the Honduras Solidarity Network coordinator who lives in Tegucigalpa is a good friend. On Monday her husband, Edwin Espinal, and his good friend Raul Alvarez are going on trial for alleged property damage at the Marriot Hotel in Tegucigalpa during demonstrations in January 2017 against the massive election fraud of Juan Orlando Hernandez for an illegal 2nd term as President.Â
Both Edwin and Raul have already spent 19 months in pretrial detention in a maximum-security prison run by drug gangs. Yet if convicted, they would face 15-30 years more, for the alleged crime of burning a couch. The evidence against them that they have been given is very shaky, but prosecutors have not turned over all the evidence, as they should have.
They are being tried in a court where the judges said they have no jurisdiction but are under orders from politicians to proceed. As the November elections approach despite any electoral reform to ensure that this one will be any less dishonest than the last, Edwin and Raul may be made an example to discourage people who may want to protest the probable election fraud. Edwin’s and Raul’s case is the first, of a number of cases from democracy protesters in 2017.
We need your help to push our members of Congress and the Senate who care about human rights and honest elections to weigh in with both the Honduran government and the U.S State Department.
There’s a really easy form to fill out here:Â to send a message to your member of Congress to ask them to make a couple of phone calls. Next week we’ll be back with more you can do.
For more information, listen to Karen’s Honduras Now podcast about the case here
March 1, 2020 | Sunday, 2-4 pm|Simpson House, 4509 Walnut, KC MO
PeaceWorks-KC’s Annual Meeting, lets the audience (you?) participate in a play on our recent nuke-resistance trial, elect officers, cheer for award winners, and maybe win a quilt; bring finger-food to share; our meeting’s in Simpson House, 4509 Walnut, KC MO.

March 7, 2020 | Saturday, 8am-4pm |Avila University

Tickets @ $25, or $10 for students; lunch included |
- DATE: October 30, Wednesday, 6:30 pm
- TITLE: “Journalism Under Attack”
- SPEAKER: David Barsamian, investigative journalist and creator of alternative Radio
- LOCATION: All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 4501 Walnut, KCMO
“Global Climate Strike†on September 20, 2019
On September 20 there will take place on the World Stage a “Global Climate Strike†in which young people world over will draw attention to the serious nature of climate change. This world-wide Friday event can be traced back to 15 year old Greta Thunberg when she stood in front of the Swedish Parliament in 2018, and has been protesting every Friday since. Greta became aware of the consequences of climate disruption at the age of 8.
Below is a link to a Democracy Now! Interview with Greta Thunberg by Amy Goodman that was broadcast on September 11, 2019. The title is “We Are Striking to Disrupt the Systemâ€:
In this interview is a clip of Greta addressing the U. N. Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland, at the age of 15 in 2018, where she said:
“Today we use 100 million barrels of oil every single day. There are no politics to change that. There are no rules to keep that oil in the ground. So we can no longer save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed. So we have not come here to beg the world leaders to care for our future. They have ignored us in the past, and they will ignore us again. We have come here to let them know that change is coming, whether they like it or not. The people will rise to the challenge. And since our leaders are behaving like children, we will have to take the responsibility they should have taken long ago. Thank you.â€
Greta protested at the Swedish Parliament every Friday, skipping school. She said she will protest every Friday no matter where she is at. Joining the “Global Climate Strike†on the 20th will be 900 workers at Amazon. Greta is in contact with climate scientists and protesters throughout the world.
Greta has given up flying because of the large carbon footprint of airplanes. This is much to the dismay of her parents, especially when planning vacations. But as Greta said – she “guilt them†into not flying. How did Greta get to New York if not by plane? She sailed on an emission free sail boat with the motto on the sail “Unite Behind the Science†– white letters on a black sail. The trip took two weeks.
Amy Goodman said that the song “I Won’t Back Down†by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers could be Greta’s theme song. Here is the link.
The issue of climate change has been around for a long time. In a December 2012 broadcast of the “Late Show with David Letterman†the guest was Jim Hansen, who had just published his book: “Storms on my Grandchildren – The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanityâ€. David Letterman commented: “I’m not so much worried for myself because it’s way too late. But I have a child.†It is refreshing that the young people, such as Greta, are looking out for their future because those in power are not. Recall the 2008 election when Katie Couric interviewed all of the presidential candidates? One of the topics was climate change. When John McCain was asked why little progress was made, he correctly answered: “special interestsâ€. Has there been any “debate†about climate change since 2008? I have seen the ad for one candidate this year, whose name I cannot remember, who emphasized THE ONLY ISSUE in climate change. The Democratic Party has placed climate issues way down the list, with medical care at the top. That is unfortunate because events that cause climate disruption affect the health of all, as well as every aspect of life such as food.
Temperature records have been routinely broken since 2005. We can all remember the huge temperature swings this past January, by as much as 60F in a 24-hour period. I wish to relate to you a personal experience with cell phones that may not cross peoples mind. On July 8, I was returning from a golf league event at Tiffany Greens Golf Club. The dashboard holder for the cell phone fell off its mount. The car temperature read 107F when I first got into the car, with an outside temperature of 92F. The “sticky stuff†that held the cell phone holder literally was too hot to “stick’. In addition, the cell phone, which I foolishly left in the car, would not operate. When I attempted to use the cell phone I was greeted with a message on the phone that it was too hot to operate. But the cell phone need not be in the car. I was greeted with the same message when I kept it in my golf bag at a later event, thinking it was “cool enough†in the golf bag than in my car. I am grateful that my cell phone has that safety device to shut down the cell phone when it gets too hot for its own good.
- This is the new group that meets at 1800 Baltimore on Sundays starting at 11 am.
- Solidarity at Davos
- Watch Nick Hanauer on Inequality:
- Watch Isaac Wilder at
The Community of Reason open discussion group at Google groups. COR: Skeptical Religion Studies MeetUp page.
Community of Reason on YouTube.
Community of Reason Facebook page.
Other endorsements
- COR is endorsing the efforts of the Move to Amend Coalition. KCMoveToAmend This means they can list us as an endorsing organization. The following is what we are endorsing:“We, the People of the USA, reject the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United and move to amend our Constitution to: Firmly establish that money is not speech and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights; Guarantee the right to vote and to participate, and to have our votes and participation count; Protect local communities, their economies, and democracies against illegitimate “preemption†actions by global, national and state governments.â€
- We also endorse Faith Aloud to the list of organizations we support.
- Jo Ann Mooney
Address: PO Box 24022, Shawnee Mission, KS 66283
Phone: (913) 402-1250; Cell: (913) 271-1250
Links: email; website
- Dr. Gale Fuller Ph.D
Address: 5740 County Rd. 408, Fulton, MO 65251-6328
Phone: (573) 642-6294
Link: email - EARTHWARD, Inc.
Earth’s Atheist Resistance to Holy Wars And Religious Devastation (Lynne is not the webmaster, but she is the chair of EARTHWARD, Inc.) website - Mr. Moderate blog
To recommend or correct a link send an email.
Other Kansas City Area Organizations
The Good Life Humanist Society
Good Life meets on the second Sunday of each month at Western Sizzlin’ Steak House, 12300 Blue Ridge, Grandview, Missouri. They have dinner at about 5 p.m. and their meeting starts about 6 p.m. You do not need to have dinner to attend the meeting. See for more information.
Heartland Humanists
Heartland is based in Johnson County, KS, although they have one function that meets in Missouri. They have a social night, a book discussion group and one monthly program, generally. Their mailing address is Heartland Humanists, PO Box 24022, Shawnee Mission KS, 66283. website
Kansas City Free Thought
Kansas City Freethinkers
Kansas City Area Humanist Meetup
Meetup is a computer-based method whereby people can find other people with similar interests and “meetup”. Often you will meet people that are not otherwise active in one of the established Kansas City groups. It is free and easy, so give it a shot – meet other secular humanists in the Kansas City area! website
Kansas City Area Atheist Meetup
Meetup is a computer-based method whereby people can find other people with similar interests and “meetup”. Often you will meet people that are not otherwise active in one of the established Kansas City groups. It is free and easy, so give it a shot – meet other atheists in the Kansas City area! website
Midwest Skeptics Society Meetup
Society of Open-Minded Atheists and Agnostics (SOMA)
SOMA is a very active student group at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. They are devoted to advancing a nonreligious worldview and to challenging religious dogma and the groups that advocate it. They have frequent meetings, often bringing important speakers to KU. website
The Raymond B. Bragg Humanist Symposium Committee
This is a nontheistic Humanist committee within All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church. church website; church history (Scroll down a little to find out who Raymond B. Bragg was.)
Secular Organization for Sobriety of Kansas City
A secular alternative to 12-step programs for overcoming addiction. more information
Local independent media
Kansas City Community Radio KKFI, 90.1 FM
Information and streaming audio
Free Thought Radio: Voice of Reason
7:00-8:00 a.m. on Sundays. website and streaming audio
Democracy Now
8:00-9:00 a.m. weekdays. website
Friends of Community Media
Local Humanists Celebrants
Humanist Celebrants conduct humanist, nonreligious, and interreligious weddings, commitment/same-sex unions, memorials, baby namings, and other life cycle ceremonies.
CoR Members’ Home Pages
Greg Swartz – Age of Reality
Personal web site of CoR president, Greg Swartz, at which he posts the results of his research and expresses personal opinions about religion, politics, history and anything related. It is a work in process and is not a slick finished site. web site
Lynne Schultz
Bill Schultz
Online Books
Several books of interest to free thinkers are available online for free download for personal use. See the particular web site for copyright information. Many of the other resources and organizations listed on this page have other complete books posted to their sites, but below are some basic ones.
Humanism as the Next Step
This book is by Lloyd and Mary Morain. It is a good book with which to start, if you want to look into humanism and what it has to offer. It approaches humanism from the joyful nature that it is and is not deeply philosophical. web site
Philosophy of Humanism
This book is by Corliss Lamont and is a book of fundamental importance to humanism. It extensively examines the history and philosophy of humanism. Anyone hoping a gain a more complete understanding of humanism should read this book. It is available for free download for personal use. web site
Genesis of a Humanist Manifesto
This short online book by Edwin H. Wilson tells the story of how the 1933 Humanist Manifesto came to be, and explains its historical impact. It focuses more on religious humanism, but it may be of interest to Secular Humanists as well. web site
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is devoted to making books available to the public online. Most of the books are older wherein their copyright has expired. It is not a free thought project in the sense that we use it on this web site. Nevertheless, many books of interest to freethinkers are available for download – Thomas Paine, Plato, Mark Twain and many many more (17,000 and more every day). web site
General Research Resources
The internet makes available huge amounts of information to anyone who wants to take the time to do a little research. Here we bring you some sources for doing research in the free thought area, including secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism, science and similar topics. Also, many of the organization listed on this page have documents related to their areas of interest; do not forget to look into those resources as well.
Jonathan Miller’s Brief History of Disbelief, a BBC series
web site and on Google video
Alive Mind Secular Philosophy
Google video
Institute for Humanist Studies
The IHS promotes education of humanism through its Continuum of Humanist Education (COHE) which is a series of interactive online classes, some elementary and some more advanced. The elementary classes are free. It provides current news about humanism, grants for humanist projects, free website and domain hosting and discussion boards. IHS; COHE
Secular Web Library
The library section of the Secular Web is an excellent resource for finding books and documents related to free thought. Its resources are both historical and modern. Available are the complete texts of books by Charles Darwin, the writings of such greats as Robert Ingersoll, Clarence Darrow, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine and links to other web sites. web site
Bank of Wisdom
On this site you will find a huge library of free thought writing, mostly historical out-of-print material, available on CDs that are modestly priced. web site
What Is Humanism?
Frederick Edwords, Executive Director of the AHA, explains the differences among various uses of the word “humanism” with an emphasis on Modern Humanism. Modern Humanism includes both Religious and Secular Humanism and the bulk of Edword’s essay explains the difference between the two. web site
Jesus Puzzle
The work of Earl Doherty, this site examines the Bible and other sources in trying to determine if a historical Jesus ever existed. It is a great source for anyone wanting to examine the New Testament and Jesus from a skeptical standpoint. Doherty is the author of the book The Jesus Puzzle and was interviewed for one of the commentaries on the DVD of the movie The God Who Wasn’t There. web site
Eistein and Religion
This site is the work of Prof. Arnold V. Lesikar, Physics Dept., St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. He has tried to accumulate all of the quotes he can in regard to the philosophical thoughts of Albert Einstein in regard to religion and science. Included is Einstein’s quote that he believed in Spinoza’s God; Spinoza was a pantheist. web site
Transhumanists are secular humanists with an added strong emphasis on using technology to improve the human condition. This site is the work of Anders Sandberg, an obvious proponent of transhumanism. It contains multiple articles by him and other, as well as links, related to transhumanism. web site
Public Library of Science
This is an online open source scientific library. You can read, copy, distribute and use its contents without limits and at no cost. Its growing fields of endeavor include biology, genetics, medicine and others – an excellent resource. web site
The University of California at Berkeley maintains a web site about evolution that contains multiple lessons related to evolution for use by both teachers and students of all ages. The site was created by the University of California Museum of Paleontology with support provided by the National Science Foundation and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. web site
Resources for Families & Kids
How do you raise your child to be a freethinker? Hopefully, these resources will help!
Family Pages of the Secular Web
Articles and lists of books, tapes, events and organizations to help nontheistic parents cope with raising their children in a religious culture. In particular, be sure to read “Raising Humanist Children” and “A Rebuttal to the ‘Contract With the American Family'”. web site
Inquiring Minds (formerly Young Skeptics)
This site is sponsored by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) and Skeptical Inquirer magazine – part of the Center for Inquiry International. Formerly known as Young Skeptics, this site provides program development and resource materials for educators, students, community groups and families interested in fostering inquiry-based learning activities among young people, including college age students. Program materials focus on the investigation of extraordinary claims through the application of scientific inquiry. web site
This is a site for kids who have been bullied, and their parents. It includes kids’ stories, music, poems and drawings. There are also links to sites and useful articles regarding what to do about bullying on the “Helpful Resources” page. (Not just for Humanists, but may be of interest). web site
Children Must Choose Their Own Beliefs
This is an open letter to the U.K.’s Secretary of State, in which Richard Dawkins speaks out against government funding of religious schools. Dawkins also makes some very good arguments against the practice of putting religious labels on young children. web site
National Center for Science Education
The National Center for Science Education is an organization dedicated to protecting the teaching of evolution in public schools from religious attack. In addition, the also promote greater understanding of evolution and scientific methods. This site includes both articles on evolution and on creationism v. evoltion battles in the schools. (Not just for Humanists, but may be of interest). web site
Textbook League
The Textbook League is an organization dedicated to the expert review of textbooks used in public schools. Usually, the reviewer has professional credentials in the relevant topic. (For example, a physics textbook would be reviewed by a professional physicist, etc.) (Not just for Humanists, but may be of interest). web site
Sites related to Humanist or secular holidays.
Humanlight is December 23rd. It is a Humanist holiday celebrating the light of human reason. web site
Secular Seasons: Freethought Holidays & Celebrations
This site contains a comprehensive list of secular holidays including annual events, general celebrations and ceremonies, celebrations by season, traditional holiday alternatives, educational and activist events and a long list of holidays just for fun. Some of the specific holidays mentioned are Darwin Day, World Humanist Day, Summer and Winter Solstices, Banned Book Week, Freethinker Coming Out Day, Church/State separation week, Human Rights Day, Rational Day of Thought, and others. web site
Darwin Day
Celebrated on or near Charles R. Darwin’s birthday (Feb. 12), Darwin Day is a celebration of Darwin’s work on the theory of evolution and his influence on how we see the world. This site includes information on Darwin Day events, ideas for activities and educational information on evolution, as well as a book store. web site
Ceremonies (weddings, funerals, etc.) for freethinkers, secular humanists, atheists and agnostics. Also, includes sites about humanist celebrants and counselors. For local humanist celebrants click here.
Humanist Society
The Humanist Society applies humanism to daily life through its unique celebrant program, education, and community involvement. Humanist celebrants conduct humanist, nonreligious, and interreligious weddings, memorials, baby naming, and other life-cycle ceremonies. The site provides information on how to become a celebrant and how to find a celebrant near you. web site
Secular Wedding Ceremonies
Written by Bill Schultz, this page explains all the legal and practical implications of having a Humanist or otherwise secular wedding in the U.S. (For those outside the U.S., check the links list for “Humanist organizations outside the U.S.”. If the site has information on Humanist ceremonies, I have stated such information in my link descriptions for you.) There are also links to real life examples, including our very own wedding. web site
Secular Humanist Organizations
Sites that are specifically about Secular Humanism (and not Religious Humanism).
American Humanist Association
AHA was founded in 1941, so it is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, national humanist organization in the United States. The site contains information about the organization as well as its publications including the “Humanist”. You can obtain copies of Humanist Manifestos I, II and III as well as other articles useful to research from this site. An affiliated group, the American Humanist Society certifies persons to be celebrants who are able to perform weddings, commitment ceremonies, funerals and other ceremonies related to life events. web site
Council for Secular Humanism
A leading Secular Humanist organization in the U.S., COSH publishes Free Inquiry, Philo and several other publications. Those not yet familiar with Secular Humanism might want to read their Affirmations of Humanism page. web site
American Atheists
American Atheists is a nationwide movement founded by Madalyn Murray O’Hair which defends the civil rights of nonbelievers, works for the separation of church and state, and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy. web site
Atheist Alliance International (AAI)
AAI is a democratic association of independent, autonomous atheist societies that works in coalition with like-minded groups to advance rational thinking through educational processes. web site
Free Thought Organizations
These sites relate to philosophies that are contrary to traditional religious dogma. Secular humanism, religious humanism and atheism are all free thought philosophies, but organizations related to those specific philosophies are set out in separate sections.
The Secular Web
Run by the Internet Infidels, this is the largest site on the subject of nontheism (atheism, agnosticism, noncognitivism) and includes both popular and scholarly articles and a section on Secular Humanism. Not all nontheists are Humanists, but Humanists are generally nontheists, especially Secular Humanists. web site
American Ethical Union
Ethical culture is very similar to Humanism, except that it includes both believers and nonbelievers in god. Many Humanists are involved in ethical culture. (The systems of thought most closely related to humanism are ethical culture, rationalism and UU). This site contains links to local ethical societies, articles from the online magazine Ethics Matters, book reviews, and announcements. The link to the Virtual Ethical Society will take you to some basic information on Ethical Culture. web site
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)
CSICOP is the publisher of the Skeptical Inquirer, investigates paranormal and fringe science claims. There is some difference of opinion over whether scientific testing should be applied to religious questions, but CSICOP itself does not take a position on that issue. web site
Skeptics Society
Skeptics Society, publisher of Skeptic Magazine, investigates claims of the paranormal, supernatural, pseudoscience and sometimes conspiracy theories. It holds the view that skepticism is the application of reason to all claims. web site
Unitarian Universalist Association
Born out of Jewish and Christian traditions, Unitarian Universalism also borrows from the Quaker religion, Humanism, and neopaganism. Belief in god is not required to be a UU, although the prevalence of Humanists (and other nontheists) can vary greatly among congregations. (The systems of thought most closely related to Humanism are Ethical Culture, Rationalism and UU). web site
Religious Society of Friends
Religious Society of Friends is another name for the Quakers. Quakers are very diverse in their doctrinal beliefs; many, but not all, Quakers do believe in God, the Bible and Jesus. However, Humanism has some roots in Quaker splinter groups, and the Quaker traditions of pacifism and working for social progress. web site
Center for Naturalism
Naturalism holds that human beings are fully included in nature, the evolved products of natural selection which operates without foresight or purpose; there exist no immaterial souls, spirits, mental essences, or disembodied selves which stand apart from the physical world; and that an individual’s development and behavior are entirely the result of prior and surrounding conditions, both genetic and environmental. Naturalism, therefore, denies that humans have what many people call free will, the ability to cause our behavior without being fully caused in turn. web site
Separation of Church & State
This section relates to organizations specifically dedicated to the idea of separation of church and state and includes the concept of freedom from religion.
Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF)
FFRF was founded in 1978 and works to promote freethought and defend the constitutional principle of the separation of state and church. The Foundation serves those who are free from religion and seeks to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism. web site
Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
Americans United was founded in 1947 to work for the separation of church and state which they view as the cornerstone of religious liberty in America. It is a non-sectarian, non-partisan organization and their members includes Christians, Jews, Buddhists, people with no religious affiliation, persons of all political parties and others. web site
Blog and website for the Greater Kansas City Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church & State. web site
Students, Children & Family Values
Sites for or about Humanist families, parents or children.
Secular Student Alliance
SSA seeks to advance secular causes on high school and college campuses. If you need help starting a high school or college group for nonbelievers at your school, or need a speaker for an event your group is planning, the SSA can help. web site
Camp Quest
It’s a Secular Humanist summer camp for kids aged 8 to 17! (Unfortunately there is not one in the KC area). Not only do they learn about famous freethinkers and the history and philosophy of Humanism, they can also do science and arts/craft activities, board games, archery, swimming and team sports. web site
Minority Organizations
Sites for women or members of minority groups who are also Humanists.
Gay And Lesbian Atheists and Humanists (GALAH)
This site includes introductory information, samples from their newsletter and political issues such as discrimination by the Boy Scouts. GALAH also speaks out in support of the transgendered. web site
Gay and Lesbian Humanist Assocation (UK)
This site includes introductory information on Humanism, some contrary views, and online content from GALHA magazine, as well as information on Affirmation Ceremonies for homosexual couples. web site
Local Groups Outside of Kansas City Area
The following organizations represent a small number of free thought groups in the United States. The list is not meant to be representative; they are just some that have come to our attention through emails and other sources.
California – Atheists of Silicon Valley
This is an active atheist organization which meets primarily in Mountain View, south of the San Francisco bay. web site
California – Humanist Association of the Greater Sacramento Area
Humanist Association of the Greater Sacramento Area is a very active humanist organization in the Sacramento area of California. web site
California – San Francisco Atheists
San Francisco Atheists is a very active atheist organization in the San Francisco bay area of California. web site
Minnesota – Minnesota Atheists
Active atheist organization centered primarily in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. web site
Nebraska – Rationalists, Empiricists And Skeptics Of Nebraska
R.E.A.S.O.N. is an organization committed to opposing irrationality and promoting the free and disciplined pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Their meetings are held primarily in Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska. web site
New York – New York City Atheists
Atheist organization in New York City, New York. Despite the name, their web site indicates they serve the tri-state area around the city. web site
International Organizations
International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU)
The IHEU is the umbrella organization of Humanist, rationalist, atheist, secularist, ethical culture and agnostic groups around the world, and has worked with the United Nations in promoting human rights and basic civil liberties. This site includes a comprehensive list of Humanist magazines. web site
World Union of Deists
This site includes introductory information on Deism, writings by Thomas Paine, Voltaire and George Washington and other articles. Deists believe in a God that does not perform miracles and is generally uninvolved in human affairs. Deism was one of the religions which helped pave the way for Humanism, especially Religious Humanism. web site
Rationalist International
Rationalism is very similar to Secular Humanism, except that Rationalism is more of a theory of knowledge and focuses less on the human condition. (The systems of thought most closely related to Humanism are Ethical Culture, Rationalism and UU). Rationalist International, which publishes news in its Rationalist International Bulletin, strives for a just society through the use of reason and scientific principles to solve human problems and answer ethical questions. web site
Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS)
Hivos is an organisation working to promote: democracy; economic development; cultural development; human rights, including equal rights for women, in the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin-America and South-east Europe. It also combats poverty and the spread of AIDS in those areas. There is a link on the page to select English. web site
World Transhumanist Association
Transhumanists believe that transhumanism is an extension of humanism from which it is partially derived. They advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities and support the development of and access to new technologies that enable everyone to enjoy better minds, better bodies and better lives – they want people to be better than well. Examples include eliminating aging and disease, genetic enginering, memory-enhancing drugs, artificial intelligence, etc. Be sure to read the FAQ. web site
Foreign National Organizations
Australia – Council of Australian Humanist Societies
This site includes short essays and speeches, and legislative information concerning voluntary euthanasia. There are also links to regional organizations including the Humanist Society of Victoria which has an excellent site for a regional group. web site
Britain – British Humanist Association
The BHA Humanist Philosophy section has a very good article on the history of Humanism, and other articles on values. The Ethical Issues section outlines the Humanist viewpoint on many different issues. There is also a Guide for Teachers & Students, which includes quizes to see if you are a Humanist, a ceremonies and celebrations page and information on education. web site
Britian – National Secular Society
Based in the U.K., and formed by famous secularist Charles Bradlaugh, the NSS describes itself as “the most radical voice in the Secular Humanist movement”. It is working to remove blasphemy laws and to get religion out of state schools. web site
Canada – Humanist Association of Canada
This site includes information about the HAC, about Humanism, about science, about politics, Humanist and anti-Humanist quotes, cartoons and more. web site
India – Atheist Centre of India
The Atheist Centre was founded in 1940 by the Gora family, who were associated with Ghandi and the nationalist movement for freedom. They provide counseling, are fighting against the caste system and for the abolition of child marriages, helping ex-prostitutes, and protecting widows from inhumane customs. They also dispell superstitions by scientific demonstrations, and are asked to calm witchcraft hysterias. They provide sex education and family planning, are carrying on a rural development program, and have a center for free cornea grafting operations which is giving sight to the blind. Although it doesn’t have “Humanist†in its name, it was awarded the International Humanist Award in 1986 (given by the IHEU). web site
India – Indian Humanist Union
The IHU site includes introductory material about Humanism and about the purposes and history of the organization. It also includes a life sketch of, and some quotes from, Narsingh Narain, the IHU’s late founder. web site
Netherlands – Humanitas
Dutch organization for social care and community development, based upon humanistic principles with projects in the fields of child-care, elderly homes, support for the homeless, care for the disabled, visiting and empowering the lonely, and grief counseling. web site
New Zealand – New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists
The Len Beckett Memorial Library, the Association’s private library, is “thought to be the largest collection of freethought literature in the southern hemisphere”, and its catalogue may be downloaded here. Also available are online articles from the Journal, and a list of celebrants in New Zealand for weddings and funerals. web site
New Zealand – Humanist Society of New Zealand
This website includes some short, introductory materials including a page on Humanist ceremonies such as rites of passage, weddings, funerals and information on how to find an accredited Humanist Celebrant in New Zealand. web site
LOCATION: All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 4501 Walnut, KCMO
Norway – Norwegian Humanist Association
Site is in Norwegian, apparently, but there is an option for English. Be sure to read “Humanism in Norway”. Norway is the country with the largest number of Humanists per capita. web site
Scotland – Humanist Society of Scotland
The Humanist Society of Scotland’s current efforts include secularizing the school system and the development of Humanist ceremonies, or rites of passage including weddings and funerals. A list of registered officiants is included. web site
Slovakia – Secularists of Slovakia
This site is maintained by the Prometheus Society of Slovakia, a Secular Humanist organization. Pages of interest include information on world statistics on religiosity, and “Rigged Religiosity Statistics” about religious polls in Slovakia. website
Religious or Religiously Based Humanism
Sites that are specifically about Religious Humanism (distinguishable from Secular Humanism) or humanism identified with a particular religion.
Society for Humanistic Judaism
Humanistic Judaism combines nontheism and Humanist ethics with a “celebration of Jewish culture and identity”. This site includes information on holidays and ceremonies. Read more…
Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society
Although it does not call itself a Humanist organization, this organization’s mission is consistent with Humanism. In the site’s own words, “ISIS has been formed to promote the ideas of rationalism, secularism, democracy and human rights within Islamic society.” web site
DATE: Wednesday, October 30
TITLE: “Journalism Under Attackâ€